domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

Família Real no Flickr

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Família Real abre conta fotografia Flickr

Fotos raras da família real foram postadas na internet depois de Buckingham Palace abrir uma conta no Flickr. Fotografia website

Mais de 600 fotografias foram adicionados à conta da monarquia britânica Photostream.
At this point they were still known as the The Duke and Duchess of York but they later became George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
The Royal Collection 2010, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

As imagens serão atualizadas conforme novos compromissos e  eventos .

Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret in July 1932.

The Royal Collection 2010, Her Maje
sty Queen Elizabeth II
The Queen wearing the Imperial State Crown and The Duke of Edinburgh in the uniform of Admiral of the Fleet wave to crowds from the balcony of Buckingham Palace following the Coronation on June 2, 1953.

The offical website of The British Monarchy

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